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Green apples and regular apples contain a similar nutritional profile, although green apples take the lead as the healthier option in some cases. Green apples have less sugar and carbs, and more fiber, protein, potassium, iron, and vitamin K, taking the lead as a healthier variety, although the differences are ever so slight. The only major difference in nutrition is that of vitamin A, which is almost twice more in green apples as compared to red apples. On the flipside, red apples contain a significantly higher quantity of antioxidants than green apples.


Shelf Life: 1 to 2 months properly stored, apples will usually keep well for 1 to 2 months in the fridge. The shelf life of apples can be extended to 6 months or more if the apples are stored in an area where the temperature is between 30°F and 40°F with high humidity (difficult to find in most households).

Green Apple - 1LB

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